ATTENTION: Anybody interested in learning how to create stronger family bonds and embrace their authenticity…

The Ultimate 5 Day Training To Build Stronger Family Bonds Despite The Cultural Differences

Here Is What You'll Learn

DAY 1: Cultural Self Reflection

During this day, you’ll learn: 

  • The almost ignored valuables about your cultural heritage and how it is relevant to your current family dynamics.  
  • The science of bridging generational gaps and cultural gaps
  • And many more

DAY 2: Effective Communication Across Cultures

During this day, you’ll learn: 

  • Why you should learn THIS first before learning another language from your multicultural family
  • Proven strategies on  strategies to bridge potential communication gaps caused by cultural differences
  • And many more

DAY 3: Navigating Cultural Conflicts

During this day, you’ll learn: 

  • How to turn heated conversations into happy moments
  • The 30 minute rule to convert any cultural conflicts into valuable moments your children will forever remember 
  • And many more

DAY 4: Parenting In A Multicultural Context

During this day, you’ll learn: 

  • Simple yet effective ways to make your children comfortable in their identities and make them thrive despite criticism from external sources
  • The secret technique to make your children embrace their cultural heritage and do the same with their kids
  • And many more

DAY 5: Building A Supportive Multicultual Network

During this day, you’ll learn: 

  • Why joining a multicultural network could be a reliable source of support, comfort and more successes.

Trainer: Narinder Purewal